To begin writing a review, please enter a company name below:

By posting a review you understand and agree that:

  • You must have been a customer of the company you are reviewing.
  • You should submit only one review per move/transportation per company. Do not post "play-by-play" reviews.
  • Companies and their employees may NOT submit reviews under any circumstances, even by request of a customer.
  • You, as the poster of the review, are responsible for the review content. False info may result in review filtration.
  • You accept our terms of service.

How to post an online company review to your mover?

Writing an online review is very easy. First, you need to find your moving company by typing their name in the search box and then choosing it from the list of movers. After you have found your mover, you can share your overall moving experience. After that, you can share all of the details regarding the moving services you received. You can write a good review if they did a great job or leave a bad review about their terrible overall performance. In both cases, you are going to help people who plan a house move choose a better moving company, so don't hesitate and share your moving story by writing a company review.

How do we handle company reviews?

On our site movers can't tamper their company reviews in any way. Every customer can leave their honest opinion of the moving services they have used. Moving companies on our site have both good and bad reviews. You can share all of the details about your moving story: what happened on moving day, what the cost estimate was like, whether your household goods arrived safely upon delivery, and any other specific pieces of information that you think might help other people. If you want to express your gratitude about a mover for their great job or share your anger and frustration about your house move, write an online moving review.

Why should you write a moving company review?

By writing a moving company review, you can share with other people your opinion of the overall performance of the company you have used to move your household goods. Honest customer testimonials can help people who plan to move to a new home avoid dishonest movers. Writing an online review can benefit both the mover you have used and people who plan a future house move. By sharing your moving story, you can tell the world what the quality of the moving services and your overall moving experience. So, don't hesitate and leave a company review for your mover. If you want more information on this subject, check our article on Why and how to write a moving review.

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