International removals and shipping advice

Need help for moving overseas or your shipping abroad? Find our helpful advice articles here.

Moving Abroad

Read our range of guides for moving abroad. Whether you need advice to make the move easier with children and pets or want to understand the process, we can help at every step of the way.

LGBTQ+ advice for moving abroad

Many people dream of moving abroad, but for those in the LGBTQ+ community, this can come with more challenges. Knowing what research to do before deciding to move can be invaluable.

Moving Abroad

Moving to Ireland: A Guide

Dreaming of the Emerald Isle? We've got everything you need to know about moving to Ireland.

Moving to, Moving Abroad

Moving to Paris - A Guide

It may seem like it’s all croissants and la vie en rose, but moving to Paris means taking the rose tinted glasses off.

Moving Abroad, France

International moving guide

Read through our International Moving Guide to help calm your nerves and prepare for your move abroad.

Moving Abroad

Moving to Europe Guide

Moving to Europe may seem like a huge task, especially if you’ve never moved abroad before or are moving with children and pets. This guide will ensure your relocation overseas is plain sailing.

Moving to, Moving Abroad

Can I move food across countries?

There are various reasons why you might want to take food from one country to another. Here are some guidelines for the three most common destinations – EU countries, Australia and the United States.

Moving Abroad

Moving banks from one country to another

Having a bank account is something many of us take for granted, and we sometimes forget how much easier our lives are made by the facilities they offer, whether that’s being able to pay bills by Direct Debit or standing order, or paying for shopping – in store or online – with your bank card.

Moving Abroad

What UK tax documents do I need to fill out prior to moving abroad?

If you are leaving the UK to live abroad permanently, or will be working outside of the UK for at least one full tax year, then it’s necessary to inform HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) of your plans. This ensures you will pay the right amount of tax and receive any tax refund or tax relief you may be entitled to. You don’t have to inform HMRC if you are leaving for business trips of shorter duration.

Moving Abroad

What is a letter of recommendation when applying for a work visa?

If you are currently in the UK and are applying for a visa to live and work in another country, it may be necessary to obtain and provide a copy of a letter of recommendation alongside the other documentation required to process your application.

Moving Abroad