Help and Advice on Moving house

Read our wide range of articles on moving house, updating your rented homes and dealing with estate agent.

10 property websites and apps that make moving easier

There are a wealth of online resources available to help with the various stages of the home buying process.

Conveyancing, First Time Buyers, Buying a house, Finding a house, Moving home

What is a Joint Mortgage?

Here’s what you need to know about taking out a mortgage with another person or a group of people.

First Time Buyers, Buying a house, Mortgages

What is the 95% mortgage scheme?

In April 2021, the government launched a mortgage scheme that lets users buy a house with a 5% deposit. So, how does the scheme work?

First Time Buyers, Buying a house, Mortgages

Shared Ownership: What percentage should I buy to begin with?

How to decide what percentage of a Shared Ownership property to buy.

First Time Buyers, Buying a house, First Time Buyer, Shared Ownership

Shared Ownership: who owns the rest of the property?

For some, the idea of not owning the whole of a property can be nerve-wracking, and the biggest concern is over who owns the rest of it, and what control do they have?

First Time Buyers, First Time Buyer, Shared Ownership

How much does it cost to staircase?

When buying a home that is a shared ownership property, staircasing is a great route to owning it outright. But how much does it cost, and is it worth it?

Conveyancing, First Time Buyers, Costs and Fees

Shared Ownership mortgages explained

Looking to buy a Shared Ownership property, but not sure how the mortgage will work? We explain it here.

First Time Buyers, Mortgages, Shared Ownership

10 forgotten costs when buying a home

Everyone knows that buying a new home can be costly, but the cost of buying a home includes so much more than simply paying for the house itself. Make sure you don’t get caught out with some of these often-forgotten costs.

First Time Buyers, Buying a house, Costs and Fees

How to build good credit

Having a good credit score is vital if you want to secure a mortgage – but how do you build good credit?

First Time Buyers, Mortgages