What is the average move cost for Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik?

We estimate that for Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik the average move costs is around €500, based on 1 moving review.

How did we get these costs?

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Petra Reichenbach
Apr 19, 2017
Long-distance move from Frankfurt, Hesse to Frankfurt, Hesse

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Super performance.

The strong men from ArnolHanl rearranged my furniture all over the house, antique cupboards, piano, very careful handling of the furniture, well packed and carried. Friendly, courteous employees, they also installed and installed the new furniture. They were punctually and cleanly dressed The price is for it and the scheduling was excellent. I can recommend the company to others.

Service cost: €500

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Company Info

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Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik has registered their account, so they will be able to see and respond to your reviews publicly.

Their address is Am Hirschhügel 4 - 8, Frankfurt, 63128, but removals usually cover a much larger area.

Company Notes

Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik ein Familienbetrieb mit Tradition ist Ihr Partner, wenn es um einen Umzug geht.
Ob privat, mit Ihrem Unternehmen oder von Deutschland in andere Länder, wir realisieren wir Ihren Umzug. Unsere Umzugsberater stehen Ihnen rund um den Umzug zur Verfügung.
Professionelle Ausrüstung, ein moderner Fuhrpark und die Erfahrung unserer Mitarbeiter mit Projekten jeder Größenordnung sind ein Garant für einen reibungslosen Ablauf. Als Gesellschafter der DMS (Deutsche Möbelspedition) bieten wir Ihnen in unserem zusätlich Lagerungen in jeder Größenordnung an.

Unsere Mitgliedschaften: DMS - AMÖ - IAM - Fedemac -TüvRheinland zertifiziert ISO 9001:2008

Branchen / Stichworte
Umzüge, Aktenlagerung, AMÖ, AMÖ-Spedition, Archivumzüge, Ausbildungsbetrieb, Außenaufzüge, Beratung, Betriebsverlagerung, Bundesverband, Büroumzüge, Containerlagerung, Deutsche Möbelspedition, DMS, Dokumentenlagerung, EDV-Transporte, Entsorgung, , Fernumzüge, Fullservice, Gebäudereinigung, Germany, Handwerkerservice, Hightech, Internationale Umzüge, Klaviertransporte, Kunsttransporte, Küchenmontage, Lagerhaus, Lagerung, Logistik, Move, Möbeleinlagerung, Möbellager, Möbelmontage, Möbelspedition, Möbeltransporte, Neumöbel, Objektumzüge, Praxisumzüge, Privatumzüge, Projektmanagement, Projektumzüge, Reifenlagerung, Relocationservice, Removal, Rhein Main, Schweizumzüge, Schwerlast, Schwerlasttransporte, Seniorenumzüge, Singleumzüge, Spedition, Spezialtransporte, Umzugskarton, Umzüge, Verpackungs-Service, Verpackungsmaterial, Zwischenlagern, Überseeumzüge, Selfstorage, Brandschaden, Wasserschaden,

Is Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik a registered company?

Companies that operate in Germany like Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik have to be registered with the German Tax Office (Finanzamt). We have the following information for Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik based in Hesse:

Handelsregisternummer: HRB 33922

Umsatzsteuer-IdNr (VAT number): DE162644937

Steuernummer (Tax number): not provided

Please note that this information may not be accurate or updated. Usually tax information should be listed in a special page called "impressum" on the company's website. Go to Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik profile here.

Average service costs information

We generate average normalized moving cost based on information submitted by people who have reviewed Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik. Take note that these prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the removals themselves. Please note that move prices can vary greatly based on factors like home size and distance between locations as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly.

Average price per move for Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik is between 400 and 625 EUR based on 1 reviews only.

Community testimonials, ratings and consumer reports on Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik - a professional company located in Am Hirschhügel 4 - 8, Frankfurt, 63128. Discover Frankfurt, Hesse moving companies.

*RemovalReviews may not be affiliated with Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik and the estimates may be provided from other professional movers in our network.

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*At RemovalReviews we will connect you with a professional moving company. Please note that we may not be affiliated with Arnold & Hanl Umzugslogistik and you may be speaking with another licensed provider.

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